Four simple tips for better signs

Simple + Good looking* 

Communication is effective when it is clear and uncomplicated. Great design can enhance the environment and change how people feel. Here are four simple design principles to follow if you want your notices to get noticed. 

Pleasepress Press

1. Don’t say please

Keep sentences simple. A direct instruction is effective, not rude. e.g. Press to Exit; Wash your hands; Keep Left…

2. Less is more

We lean in to catch a whisper. Fewer words are better heard.

3. Add and subtract

Before you put up a new notice or sign can you remove an old one? 

4. What now?

Finish with a clear call to action.


That’s it: Four powerful design principles for any sign or poster to motivate people to take notice and take action. 

*NB: This is our approach to design (not a description of the ideal boyfriend).