Information + Infographics

Communication is effective when it’s clear, simple and visual. Understanding medical environments or procedures can reduce stress and anxiety for patients and families. Our designs use simple images and jargon-free descriptions to cut through complexity and make hospital spaces look and feel much better too.

Our critical care equipment diagram has proved to be a brilliant resource for hospitals around the world. We've used a similar approach to create effective visual explanations and information for other specialties from anesthesia to vascular surgery.

Equipment Diagrams

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Improved understanding of processes and treatments helps reduce anxiety levels in patients and carers. These diagrams are a useful tool for staff to explain medical devices and procedures.

Welcome Signs

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A clear welcome helps visitors relax. Local images are reassuring and connect the hospital with the community.

Visitor Information

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Bold, visually appealing signs with easy-to-find information create a calmer and more professional environment.

And more…

Waystowellbeingmapcover Handwashing

And that’s not all! We’ve produced all kinds of helpful infographics and diagrams for hospitals around the world, including explorer maps, infection control and handwashing posters.

without complications


that explain simply with visual appeal



that engage the audience and enhance the environment



that clarify and don't confuse

“Pamphlets can get lost. And when people are under stress, they might not have time to read them. Graphics are visual reminders, easy to take in.”

Ruth Kleinpell PhD RN FAAN, Assistant Dean for Clinical Scholarship, Vanderbilt University School of Nursing, Nashville

Let's Talk

Longing to transform your hospital space? We’re Gill Marles + Adrian Barclay. Talk to one of us about your ideas.

Call us: 0117 949 3020 or email us:

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